Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Looking After Teeth.
Types of Teeth is a separate lesson available here
Learning Objectives
Describe the structure of a tooth
Explain what causes tooth decay
Explain how we can look after our teeth
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
Next Lesson Digestion:
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
A bundle of lessons for teaching about the human body to key stage 2 primary designed for mixed ability groups. Printed sheets are optional; all core lessons can be downloaded and taught without additional preparation. The lessons are self-explanatory and can be easily delivered by parents to students working remotely. Suitable for supply.
Suggested Order:
Human Life Cycle
Human Body Organs
Body Functions
Muscle and Joints
Heart and Circulation
Types of Teeth
Looking After Teeth
Healthy Living